Are you struggling to make a plan? Maybe you have an idea of what you want to achieve but don’t know where to start. If that sounds familiar, then this simple method I came up with is perfect for you!

The idea is straightforward: break down your goal into just five steps. This approach helps you focus on the process and prevents overwhelm. I’ve personally used this method to run my business, complete projects, and increase my income. It’s simple but powerful. Here’s how it works:

1. Define What You Want to Achieve

The first thing to do is get specific about what you’re aiming for. Think of it as clearly as you can, whether it’s buying a car, purchasing a house, starting a business, or running 3 miles a day. The key here is simplicity. Don’t mix up multiple goals or wishes into one. Keep things separated, as it will help you stay focused.

2. Ask Yourself: How Can I Achieve This in 5 Steps?

Once you have your goal, break it down into a manageable sequence of actions. Ask yourself how you can get from where you are now to where you want to be in just 5 steps. Write your main goal on the left side of a piece of paper, and on the right, list out those 5 steps.

3. Write Down the Steps Without Overthinking

Don’t spend too long on this. Take about a minute to think about the steps, and then just write them down. Remember, the goal of this method is to start planning, not to create a flawless plan on the first try. So just get your ideas down on paper.

4. Think About Each Step Separately

Now that you have your steps laid out, take a closer look at each one. Ask yourself questions about each step, like: What does this require? Do I need resources or help? Make sure to jot down your thoughts as they come. This is where your plan starts to take shape in more detail.

5. Refine – Planning is a Continuous Process

You’ve got your steps, and now it’s time to refine them. Planning isn’t something you do once; it’s a process that evolves as you progress. After writing down your 5 steps and analyzing each one, you’ll likely get a clearer sense of the path forward. Don’t be afraid to adjust or create alternative step plans for different ideas, especially if there’s more than one way to achieve your goal.


The 5-step method isn’t about perfection. It’s about having a structure to guide you and getting your ideas on paper. Personally, this approach has been a game changer for my business. It’s helped me not only complete projects but also make more money. The clarity and momentum you’ll build with this method will help you turn your goals into achievable actions.